We'll provide a kind (https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/) cluster configuration and all of the required manifests to deploy our interactive environment on your own machines. Please bring a laptop capable of running a kind cluster and have kind installed before we start.If you'd like to get hands-on hacking Kubernetes cluster, this is the tutorial for you! Join us as we walk through hands-on examples of how attackers can try and compromise Kubernetes clusters and what you can do to make sure it doesn't happen to you.
We'll be exploring some of the in-depth parts of cluster architecture that you may not get to look at every day with hands-on exercises that you can try out during the tutorial or takeaway and work on later.
So if you've ever wondered what the Kubelet API is, how Kubernetes does authentication or authorization or how someone could use "the most pointless Kubernetes pod ever" to get root access to your cluster nodes, then join us and find out!