1-4 April 2025
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Please note: This schedule is automatically displayed in British Summer Time (BST) (UTC +1). To see the schedule in your preferred timezone, please select from the drop-down menu to the right, above "Filter by Date." The schedule is subject to change and session seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. 

MONDAY: Maintainer Summit Schedule (Pre-Registration Required)
TUESDAY: CNCF-Hosted Co-located Events Schedule (Pre-Registration Required)
Thursday April 3, 2025 16:45 - 17:15 BST
SIG-Multicluster is focused on solving common challenges related to the management of many Kubernetes clusters, and applications deployed across many clusters, or even across cloud providers. In this session, we'll give attendees an overview of the current status of the multi-cluster problem space in Kubernetes and of the SIG. We’ll discuss current thinking around best practices for multi-cluster deployments and what it means to be part of a ClusterSet. Then we’ll highlight current SIG projects, focused use cases, and ideas for what’s next. Most importantly, we’ll provide information on how you can get involved either as a contributor or as a user who wants to provide feedback about the SIG's current efforts and future direction. Bring your questions, problems, and ideas - help us expand the multi-cluster Kubernetes landscape!
avatar for Stephen Kitt

Stephen Kitt

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Stephen is one of the maintainers of the Submariner project, providing connectivity and service discovery across multiple Kubernetes clusters. He is a long-time open source contributor, and has been at Red Hat since 2015, working on OpenDaylight and Submariner.
avatar for Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson

Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson

Principal Engineer, Google
Jeremy is a software engineer who works on Google Kubernetes Engine. His main focus is on simplifying the Kubernetes experience, and making it as easy as possible to deploy applications both within a cluster with things like GKE Autopilot, and across clusters with multi-cluster solutions... Read More →
avatar for Laura Lorenz

Laura Lorenz

Software Engineer, Google
Laura Lorenz is a software engineer at Google. She is an active member of Kubernetes’ upstream focused on SIG-Multicluster, SIG-Node, and releases.
avatar for Ryan Zhang

Ryan Zhang

Principal Software Engineering Manager, Microsoft
Dr. Ryan Zhang is a Principal Software Engineering Manager at Microsoft, working on Azure Kubernetes Service. Dr. Zhang has been working on Cloud Native open source projects for the past few years including CloudEvents, Open Application Model (OAM) and KubeFleet.
Thursday April 3, 2025 16:45 - 17:15 BST
Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 14-16

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