1-4 April 2025
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Please note: This schedule is automatically displayed in British Summer Time (BST) (UTC +1). To see the schedule in your preferred timezone, please select from the drop-down menu to the right, above "Filter by Date." The schedule is subject to change and session seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. 

MONDAY: Maintainer Summit Schedule (Pre-Registration Required)
TUESDAY: CNCF-Hosted Co-located Events Schedule (Pre-Registration Required)
Friday April 4, 2025 11:00 - 11:30 BST
As AI continues to evolve, quantum computing is poised to disrupt Kubernetes in ways we can’t ignore. By 2035, the US government will only procure quantum-safe solutions, and if our infrastructure isn’t ready soon we’ll be scrambling to catch up.

This panel brings together experts to explore:
- What quantum computing is & why it’s a game changer
- How to orchestrate quantum workloads on Kubernetes
- Middleware needed to bridge classical and quantum resources
- Redesigning infrastructure to meet NIST’s quantum-safe standards with an agile long-term strategy
- Building infrastructure for real-world use cases like scientific simulations
- How quantum machine learning can help run AI workloads

You don’t need to be a quantum expert to join! You’ll walk away with actionable insights on architectural trade-offs for running quantum workloads and learn how to implement quantum-safe security. This is your chance to spark fresh ideas & take the lead in shaping the next decade of technology!
avatar for Ricardo Rocha

Ricardo Rocha

Computing Engineer, CERN
Ricardo leads the Platform Infrastructure team at CERN with a strong focus on cloud native deployments and machine learning. He has led for several years the internal effort to transition services and workloads to use cloud native technologies, as well as dissemination and training... Read More →
avatar for Nikhita Raghunath

Nikhita Raghunath

Principal Engineer, Broadcom
Nikhita is a Principal Engineer at Broadcom, past co-chair of KubeCon and a maintainer of the Kubernetes project. She is the vice chair of the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee and has won the CNCF Top Committer Award in 2021 for her technical contributions. She was also a member... Read More →
avatar for Paul Schweigert

Paul Schweigert

Senior Software Engineer, IBM
Paul Schweigert works on quantum and AI technologies at IBM. He has extensive experience in open source (Knative and Kubernetes in particular) and has spoken at numerous conferences. He has also led various platform engineering and data science teams. In a previous life, he studied... Read More →
avatar for Tomas Gustavsson

Tomas Gustavsson

Chief PKI Officer, Keyfactor
Tomas Gustavsson is the chief public key infrastructure (PKI) officer at Keyfactor.. He pioneered open source public key infrastructure with EJBCA, now embraced by over 3,000 downloads per month. With a background in computer science, Tomas established EJBCA to fortify trusted digital... Read More →
avatar for Natalie Fisher

Natalie Fisher

Technology Product Manager, Broadcom
Natalie is a Technology Product Manager at VCF. A lifelong learner, she’s always been fascinated with emerging technology and the endless possibilities and solutions one could dream up. Having spent many years in product and working in companies ranging from e-Commerce, Data Analytics... Read More →
Friday April 4, 2025 11:00 - 11:30 BST
Level 1 | Hall Entrance S10 | Room B
  Emerging + Advanced

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