1-4 April 2025
Learn More and Register to Attend

The Sched app allows you to build your schedule but is not a substitute for your event registration. You must be registered for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2025 to participate in the sessions. If you have not registered but would like to join us, please go to the event registration page to purchase a registration.

Please note: This schedule is automatically displayed in British Summer Time (BST) (UTC +1). To see the schedule in your preferred timezone, please select from the drop-down menu to the right, above "Filter by Date." The schedule is subject to change and session seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. 

MONDAY: Maintainer Summit Schedule (Pre-Registration Required)
TUESDAY: CNCF-Hosted Co-located Events Schedule (Pre-Registration Required)
Traces, logs, and metrics are the foundation of modern Observability solutions. When collected through open standards, they provide deep insights - without vendor lock-in. Unfortunately, these signals are often kept in silos, unable to show their full potential.
In an action-packed 20-minute demo, learn how to deploy and configure the community OpenTelemetry operator and seamlessly connect it to Dash0. Dash0 will unify and correlate all the telemetry data, giving you real-time insights in a clean, intuitive UI.

Peter Jüntgen

Head of Customer Experience and Success, Dash0

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