1-4 April 2025
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MONDAY: Maintainer Summit Schedule (Pre-Registration Required)
TUESDAY: CNCF-Hosted Co-located Events Schedule (Pre-Registration Required)
Wednesday April 2, 2025 11:15 - 11:45 BST
There is no such thing as a stateless application - All applications need to store state somewhere!

Stateful workloads like databases and key value stores are often deployed outside of K8s, missing out on all the benefits of declarative config, scaling, failover and automatic healing.

In this talk we show how running stateful workloads in K8s is not only performant and scalable but are also resilient, and can facilitate Disaster Recovery.

We will discuss the cloud native ecosystem and provide live demos of:
* Running a million RPS on a KV store with TiKV
* Running scalable, replicated and resilient Postgres databases with CloudNativePG
* Running analytics & ML on a distributed filesystem with CubeFS
… all in K8s, using K8s features to scale, failover and run day 2 operations. Working examples for the demos will be shared to enable the audience to run their own databases and stateful workloads in K8s.

Finally, we will end with a discussion of use cases and best practices.
avatar for Alex Chircop

Alex Chircop

Chief Architect, Akamai
Chief Architect at Akamai. Member of the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee. Previously a founder and CTO of Ondat (formerly StorageOS), building software defined solutions for cloud native environments, and a co-chair of the CNCF Storage TAG. Before embarking on the startup adventure... Read More →
avatar for Lori Lorusso

Lori Lorusso

Head of Community, Percona
Lori has a passion and enthusiasm for working with the developer and open source community. She is a CNCF Ambassador, former CNCF Marketing Committee Chair, former Chair of the CDF Outreach Marketing Committee, program chair of cdCon 2023, and is active in the OpenSSF devrel committee... Read More →
avatar for Chris Milsted

Chris Milsted

Senior Product Architect, Akamai
Chris has been working with Kubernetes since pre 1.0 when it was the Beta for OpenShift version 3 at Red Hat. Since then he has moved, via VMware and Tanzu, to Akamai (via Ondat) as a Senior Product Architect, helping to design and deliver cloud scale technologies. Outside of work... Read More →
avatar for Alex Reid

Alex Reid

Principal Software Engineer, Akamai
Wednesday April 2, 2025 11:15 - 11:45 BST
Level 1 | Hall Entrance S10 | Room D
  Data Processing + Storage

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