1-4 April 2025
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MONDAY: Maintainer Summit Schedule (Pre-Registration Required)
TUESDAY: CNCF-Hosted Co-located Events Schedule (Pre-Registration Required)
Thursday April 3, 2025 11:00 - 11:30 BST
Writing consistent APIs is hard. The Kubernetes Resource Model (KRM) is the foundation of Kubernetes’ success because it is consistent, predictable, and easy to understand, and it provides a declarative approach to managing infrastructure and applications. But what if KRM could transcend Kubernetes itself?

This talk will explore the paradigm shift of how one could use KRM with kcp or Kubernetes Generic control plane to provide more than just workload management. This is not a new concept, Crossplane and many other tools are already doing this. But if we could take this further? What if each cloud API would look and feel like Kubernetes API? We will extensively cover how “kcp + friends” in the CNCF ecosystem fulfill that vision.

At the end of the talk, the audience will walk away with knowledge of KRM++, the approaches on building a scalable multi-tenant control plane for managing resources in their multi-cluster Kubernetes based infrastructure, possibly hybrid cloud.
avatar for MJ / Mangirdas Judeikis

MJ / Mangirdas Judeikis

Staff Engineer, kcp maintainer, Cast AI
Control planes, distributed systems and opensource. All Kubernetes and kcp! A decade of Kubernetes experience, focusing on platform engineering based on Kubernetes over the last decade. Doing platform engineering before it was cool. :)I thrive on Go, Kubernetes, and an Open Source... Read More →
avatar for Nabarun Pal

Nabarun Pal

Principal Software Engineer, Independent
Nabarun is a Principal Software Engineer, a maintainer of the Kubernetes project, a chair of Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience and an emeritus Kubernetes Steering Committee member. He is contributing to kcp in various ways in the recent past.He is a Release Manager for Kubernetes... Read More →
Thursday April 3, 2025 11:00 - 11:30 BST
Level 0 | ICC Capital Hall | Room J
  Platform Engineering

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